A wolfy type of weekend


I have never met a wolf. Nor a lynx cat. But I am intrigued by the prints I found in the field near the farm.

IMG_6209Compared to a typical dog print this is huge.

IMG_6221Life on the farm. New challenges for a(still)novice tracker.

The weekend has been beautiful. Been hanging out with this one.

IMG_6218She has to be the happiest dog alive even though she looks a little like the devil in this picture. We are all put here on earth to make her life more interesting and comfortable of course. Take her walking so she can find the most sweet-smelling trails and play.

IMG_6198Or admit that it is ok for her to steal the warmest, softest place on the couch in front of the fire-place. Fast as a weasel, cute as a button.

IMG_6185Dogs are just the best drug. My post cancer journey would not be the same without her.