Lean and green

Realized tonight that I have been on a pretty good solid greenish diet for a while now. And I feel just fine, thank you for asking. Loosing weight does not seem like such a surprise, just an extra bonus.

Last three days of nutrients at the end. Thinking about cancer and alcaline diets.

Studies have shown that in the test tube, cancer cells and tumors thrive and grow in a more acidic environment. When the level of acid is lowered, tumors grow much more slowly. If this behavior occurs in the test tube, it stands to reason that cancer cells in the body would also be detrimentally affected by an overall alkaline environment. It would also make sense that if the body’s pH is acidic, then the growth of cancer cells and tumors would be encouraged. By eating mostly foods that make the body’s pH more alkaline, there would be less of a chance for cancer cells to develop and grow.

It sounds amazing. I am always a bit weary when it says studies have shown but  even if it is not that easy, the food items recommended are all good healthy stuff so I can’t see why it would be harmful either.

An alcaline diet usually involves eating minimal amounts of meats, dairy products, white flour and white sugar, because these foods have a very acidic reaction on the body’s pH level. Instead, the diet usually focuses heavily on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts such as almonds, and soy products, because they leave an alkaline ash within the body.

Stevia. Yellow pepper. Lingonberry bread. Vegan paté. Watercress. Coffee. Green tea. Vanilla Chai. Rice milk. Almonds. Walnuts. Cashews. Soy spread. Sunflower/sesame/pumpkin seeds, White pasta. Soy strips. Tofu. Nashi pear. Mango. Pomelo. Pear. Savoy cabbage. Romanesque. tomato. Endive. Blueberries. Dark chocolate. Banana. Spirulina.Whey cheese. Fresh spinach. Baby spinach. Kale. Potatoes. Leek. Butternut squash. Garlic. Ginger. Fresh mint/rosemary. Organic oils. Beetroot. Carrot. An egg and two very delicious pieces of 60 % Lindt chocolate!

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